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Friday, May 7, 2010

Why Is Fish Healthy For You – Find Out Now

Why is fish healthy for you?

Have you read about omega3 fatty acids recently? These essential long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are vital for many body organs like brain, nervous system, retina of the eye, heart, skin, etc. However, since body cannot produce these fats on its own, you have to take them explicitly in the diet.

Cold-water fish like hoki, tuna, mackerel, salmon, etc are the rich source of DHA and EPA omega3 fats. This is the reason, why is fish healthy for you.

Why is fish healthy for you? – Health benefits

Blood-thinning property of omega3 fats present in fish prohibits the plaque to build up on the arterial wall, thus helps in reducing risk of heart attacks and strokes. It keeps blood pressure under control, and decreases the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Omega3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties that can control the excess of inflammation in the body, thus helps in painful conditions like Arthritis, Psoriasis, etc.

High levels of DHA omega3 fats helps in curing and preventing various neurobehavioral conditions like Autism, Dyslexia, Bipolar disorder, ADHD, ADD, etc. It also helps in increasing retaining, concentrating, and comprehending capabilities. These fats are of help in curing certain forms of cancer like breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Off late, it is also proven that these fats can also reduce signs of aging on skin. They increase the production of collagen and therefore help in retaining the smoothness and glow of the skin.

Weight loss programs also encourage having high levels of DHA fats. In many clinical trials, it is proven that regular exercise and high DHA diet helps in reducing that extra flab on your waistline. Benefits of omega3 are numerous; in one line, you can say that these fats are absolute necessary to lead a long and healthy life. Therefore, you should include high DHA food sources in your dietary regimen.

As discussed above, fish is hands down the best source of DHA and EPA fats. However, because of increase in water pollution, fish caught from oceans have high levels of chemicals like arsenic, lead, mercury, etc. Consumption of such tainted fish could be hazardous. This is the reason; fish oil supplements have emerged in the market.

These supplements undergo various refining techniques during their manufacturing process to filter out all the unwanted and harmful chemicals from the oil.

Now that you know why is fish healthy for you and why supplements are better than eating fish, your next step should be do some research on the fish supplements available in the market, pick the best one and start taking it religiously. You can start your research by visiting the website Omega 3 Brief.